all for a good cause

Gary is on the way to mending but needs to take it slowly and carefully (easier said than done!) How on earth you keep an active man who is used to doing everything himself to rest is impossible!
This morning he was back milking - although slowly he got the job done.  He is finding the hardest things to do involve using the clutch on the tractor as he damaged his left leg - and of course you need that to depress the clutch pedal!
Ive actually managed to have an hour or so to myself so decided to make up some snowball blocks for a christian online quilting group that I belong to.  We are each to make blocks and send them to one lady who is going to make them into quilts to be send to an orphanage in Zimbabwe that another lady in the group is involved in.  Here are mine - lovely and bright (as requested) and so nice to have some quiet me time.


Lynne said…
I love that cat fabric! Definitely bright!

My WM would be the same - resting is not in his vocabulary! May Gary continue to grow stronger every day.

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