even more finishing!

WOW now that Ive got the hang of this finishing off caper - Im on a roll!
Firstly on the knitting front - February Lady Sweater made from Nashua Handknits Desert Flower - not that old a ufo as its only been on the needles for a month and a half - but its done!  Next Knitting item- this one was a test knit - falling knots wrap made from Wollmeise (yes I used some Wollmeise!) Once again only on the needles for a bit over a month - but it too is finished!
On the quilting front - two finishes here too! The first is a table runner I made from two lovely blocks I found whilst cleaning up - a quick and easy make and finish! The second is a dresden plate that I had almost finished except for the binding - so that too is now done!  Its lovely to finish off so much "stuff" and to have offloaded/sold/sent on so much of my things - it makes you feel great!  Must admit that the lure of starting something new is really starting to bite but Im still standing strong (hopefully until ALL ufos are done!)


Lynne said…
Good on you for staying strong! I have realised that my problem is that I want to move on and try the next thing almost as soon as I have got something under my belt! Like the time I was really keen to try the "disappearing four patch" block, but once I made one (8" square) I was ready to move on! Maybe I should make sampler quilts!

I sew during the day and knit at night - perhaps knitting a blanket (70" x 40") that has to be finished by the end of July and making a quilt of about the same size at the same time was not such a good idea!

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