WOW now that Ive got the hang of this finishing off caper - Im on a roll!
Firstly on the knitting front - February Lady Sweater made from Nashua Handknits Desert Flower - not that old a ufo as its only been on the needles for a month and a half - but its done! Next Knitting item- this one was a test knit - falling knots wrap made from Wollmeise (yes I used some Wollmeise!) Once again only on the needles for a bit over a month - but it too is finished!
On the quilting front - two finishes here too! The first is a table runner I made from two lovely blocks I found whilst cleaning up - a quick and easy make and finish! The second is a dresden plate that I had almost finished except for the binding - so that too is now done! Its lovely to finish off so much "stuff" and to have offloaded/sold/sent on so much of my things - it makes you feel great! Must admit that the lure of starting something new is really starting to bite but Im still standing strong (hopefully until ALL ufos are done!)
I sew during the day and knit at night - perhaps knitting a blanket (70" x 40") that has to be finished by the end of July and making a quilt of about the same size at the same time was not such a good idea!