row I finished

Finished row I on my dear jane quilt today and thankfully I was working backwards so got to finish up with I1, I2 and I3 which were easy peasy. I am so happy with just using the two colours in this my second dear jane - no hunting or worrying about fabrics - much quicker, and Ive also found my skills are improving - Im not even that scared of the advanced blocks (well so far at least)as its quite easy to post to the Dear Jane list or look on the cd for help and tips. If you havent been mad enough to start a dear jane yet, do, its addictive and fun - and yes people will think you are mad!!!!!!!
BTW if anyone knows where I can get more of the fabric I am using as the focus fabric please let me know as I dont think I am going to have enough to finish the quilt


Hunter said…
I'm was wandering around the 'Net looking for Dear Jane quilts in two colors.

I love your fabrics.

How did you decide how much of the focus fabric you bought? How much do you think you'll need to finish the whole top?

Best regards and thank you for sharing your pics.

Auntie Jappa said…
Is your focus fabric a bit Japanesey? Post a bigger pic, there might be some in the Shop Stash.
Anonymous said…
Looking great, your parcel in on it's way.

Lynda said…
You are very brave to be attempting DJ!! It is looking great already!


Lynda said…
Hang on I just read that again, this is your SECOND??

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