christmas 2008

Christmas 2008
2008 – What a year it has been – our “motto” at church this year has been 2008 is great, God is great. At times this has been a challenge – but looking back we have done a lot and once again got through a lot.
Once again we have struggled with little or no rainfall or water allocation – at the moment our allocation of water is 28% - nowhere near enough for our needs. BUT as I write this we have had 33mls of rain in the past 24 hours! We still have had to buy in huge amounts of hay to feeds the cows and although the milk price that we are paid each much is very good – our expenses are even better!!! Our milking herd numbers have increased to 155, which is the most cows Gary has ever milked. Our production is up, our cell count is the lowest it has ever been, and according to our test results our fat and protein is equivalent to that of a jersey herd. All due to the good hay and grain we have been feeding them.
Now to our family goings on –
• Adam and Alison have lived in Albury this year, but are moving shortly to Mildura. Alison has finished uni and is looking for a teaching job; hopefully Adam will get employment in Mildura too.
• Holly and Daryl still live in Mildura and have taken a few holidays this year (lucky them!). They’ve also reared a few of our calves and learnt the joys of cattle getting out of paddocks and how loud a calf can bellow when it wants a drink of milk.
• Aimee, Joshua and Mia have had a busy year too. They have moved to a different house, closer to us and two minutes from Cohuna. Aimee has not been well, but she has just had an operation and is hopefully on the road to recovery. Aimee turned 21 in October and we had a small party here with family and friends and it was a lovely night. Joshua is now working at a different piggery which is much better than where he was. Mia is now 21 months old and the boss of all!!! She is talking heaps and loves coming here. Look out if Gary goes on the motorbike for the cows without her. She has even driven the tractor.

• Sarah finished year 11 this year – with an achievement award in Year 12 Accounting and Year 11 English and also won the Student Forum award which was voted on by her fellow students and is worth $200 –well done!!! She is still looking at uni and becoming either a journalist or a teacher. She made her deb this year with her boyfriend Tim....don’t they look lovely and very grown up. We all enjoyed learning the old time dances.

• Megan has now finished year 8 and is still horse mad, and loves her horse Rusty, who she went with to her first pony club gymkhana and came 1st in the bareback riding and 2nd in the showjumping twice. She is also really interested in fishing although so far nothing to eat for tea. She has also continued learning to the play the flute and is getting very good at it, and her cat speedy is getting really fat and needs to go on a diet.....

• Gary has continued to play lawn bowls on a Wednesday night as well as playing on Saturdays in pennant where he is currently playing in division one. It is hard to get him away from the farm, but when he does he enjoys himself.

• I, Dianne, have kept myself busy looking after Mia whilst Aimee did an aged care course and even taking her to playgroup – and that was tiring I can tell you!!! I continue to enjoy quilting, reading and try and garden however it is hard with the dry conditions.

• We are all still active at our church, Kerang Assembly of God, where there has been much prayer for healings, rain and revival.

• Trusting that this letter finds you all healthy, well and enjoying life.

Gary, Dianne, Adam and Alison, Holly and Daryl, Aimee and Joshua and Mia, Sarah, Megan, Rusty and Speedy.....

Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him


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