sshh you will wake the baby

This is what Nannas do when they are babysitting - Aimee is doing an aged care course in Cohuna so I get to babysit each Wednesday
So.....last week Mia slept for 3 1/2 hours - yes you read that right - so I did the "right thing" and whipped up Aimee a tablecloth for her table - and called it "Sshhh you'll wake the baby"


KA said…
I love this quilt/tablecloth. I have also made a dissapearing nine patch quilt using 30s fabrics. They are fun to do! I love how your bright colour seems to float on the black background! It looks fantastic. How big is it?
Di said…
Wow, Di, you just whipped up this quilt while Mia was sleeping???? Clever girl! It would have taken me that long just to work out the pattern and choose the fabrics LOL.
Ozjane said…
And you could have slept!!

But love the quilt and went trailing from your blog and found the 9 fat quarter one which looks worth a or sewing theme or one of those that I need to justify keeping.

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