report for Jasmine

My best girlie friend Jasmine (MBGF) brought her new bloke Andrew up to meet us all last weekend and for us to "Check Him Out" - here is the report on him....LOL
- "he is quite nice....easy to talk to....and fitted in easily....likes a bloke that can carry his own conversation and not have to be "looked after" all the time. Thought you two looked very happy together and comfortable in each others company. Dont think he understand about the "can I keep him" tho.... Oh!!! and he said "why did Jasmine bring you MORE scraps - arent you getting rid of yours" - my answer " of course Im getting rid of mine to make room for Jasmines!!!!!!"
- they were very lovely dovey and Jasmine is fun she REALLY looked at my scrapbooking stuff and I dont know why she didnt like the colours I picked for you Mum
- hes very nice!!!!!
Me (lastly and most importantly!!!!)
- he is lovely - yes you do spark together and have that "look" very impressed that he went up to the shed with gary so we could have girly time...and he didnt worry too much about the interrogation (was he expecting it??????)


Auntie Jappa said…
I think he is learning to 'expect the unexpected' around me!!!!
He is pretty pleased that he isnt readily identifiable from the photo, he doesn't like havign a net profile, lol!
Another thing he has to get used to...
The chutney you made for us is WONDERFUL - ta muchly.

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