dear jane rejigged

For those regular readers of my blog you will know that I am slowly working on a dear jane quilt - we I DID have three rows joined together but I wasnt happy with them.
I looked at Bonnie Hunters website and saw her storm at sea setting - and fell in love with it
lots of unpicking and rejigging and I have two rows back together - not as wide as last time - I am going to make a "smaller" jane - 8 x 8


Jeanne said…
I love that setting. Your blocks look wonderful and I'm sure you'll be pleased this time.
Di said…
Whew, Di - what a busy day you've had getting your blog up to date! I tend to do the same thing from time to time and post several days of news at once, only I go into options at the bottom of the posting template and alter the date so my posts slot in as if I had written them on the day I meant to LOL. Some would call it cheating LOL. I really love the way you have set your Dear Jane - it has movement and life! Keep it up! Love, Di J
Bernadette said…
Hey Di your DJ looks absolutely stunning with that sashing. Well done!
Suzanne H said…
Looks awesome! I can't wait to see more of it together!
The storm at sea setting is just gorgeous. My husband love sailing and I keep promising him a storm at sea quilt, maybe I could do some dear jane blocks in all blue greens with that sashing. I will have to check out the website with the instructions on.
cinzia said…
I love the new setting, gives it a real zing.
cinzia said…
Hey Di,
I have tagged your blog. If you are interested in joining in check out my blog.
Anonymous said…
Very beautiful!

Every time I see a Dear Jane I want to make one.

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