December 16 - December 22 2024

Getting closer to Christmas and several HOT HOT HOT days Ive been plugging away at the Chandlers Cottage advent projects and Im almost keeping up to date (which is a miracle in itself!) THe projects are all quite achieveable - although sometimes the instructions arent that good but I can work out what has to happen Heres the next batch of the projects Ive completed - needle keeper (this went over 3 days and was a lot of work) - coaster - House shaped pincushion - fan ornament - Gold and red ornament
The 21st of December was also the anniverary of mum going to heaven - that 12 months feels at times like its gone quickly and at other times really slowly I went over to the cemetry in kerang to visit her and bought her a poinsettia plant as that was what she like to get each Christmas and also a turkish delight chocolate bar (another favorite of hers) Many tears were shed - I still do miss her so very much
On the reading front I finished the physical book of Indigo Storm by Fleur McDonald A nice australian set book A nice palate cleanser that I enjoyed and I would give it 3 and a half stars
I also finished (via audio) the fourth book in the Sevenwaters series by Julie Marillier - Heir to sevenwaters and Im still really enjoying this series and its still a 5 star listen for me! Well thats it - almost Christmas and the end of the year


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