November 18 - November 24 2024

Ive had a really productive week! Well craft wise Ive had a very productive week! If you are a regular reader or a close friend of mine, you will know that Im "trying" to work my way through the many differnt craft things I have to make up - be they yarn related, fabric related or several other things too! One thing I had been wanting to try - and thank you to my girls for gifting me a candle making kit for my birthday! The kit was to make up 6 candles - three different "flavours" - salty caramel (my fave I think), basil lemon and mandarin and finally aussie bush. Its simply a matter of melting, mixing and pouring and then waiting for 2 weeks for them to cure. Yep the house smells quite lovely atm!
I also made a cute zipper pouch thing - and Im not that good with zips but I did it! Its not perfect but its finished so that is what is important isnt it?
And also a shawl finish! This one Im counting as a "free" project as the yarn is all leftovers from other projects - the pattern is On The Spice Market and I think Ill get some really good use/wear from it
And!!! (yes theres more) I finished an adult pair of socks and matching little ones (for Ollie)I suspect there might be fights over who get to wear the adult socks but I think Ill probably do this again - arent the little ones so cute!
On the reading front - I finished the audio book of Daughter of the Forest by Juilet Marillier - it was a super long listen - 26 plus hours! - It's the story of Sorcha who is the seventh child of the Lord of Sevenwaters. Her mother died when she was born and she has 6 older brothers who adore her. She is kidnapped by their enemies and taken far away and of course she falls for her "captor" and yes there are fairies and druids and the sort involved as well. And lots of retelling of fairy tales. Yes its a long read and took a little to get into it, and yes there's a nasty scene or two in it but well worth it in my opinion and 5 stars from me!
As I said at the start - a very productive week! Until next time.........


Rachel said…
Wowsers! What a week you’ve had! Candlemaking is on my list to try, salted caramel sounds amazing!!

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