November 11 - November 17 2024

Im actaully writing this on the day that I should - and what a day its been! Very very dry dusty hot and windy and we thought we might get some rain but of course we didnt! We havent had a good rain for quite some time and are really starting to look for it - even it if it is just to settle the dust. Ive had yet another sort through the various kits etc that I have to do and a few different ones came up to the top - firstly this panel that I turned into a cushion. I made the quilt that this was one of the blocks quite some time ago, and for some reason I ended up with two of this block - it was nice to embroider the centre and to do the dresden blade around the outside (I do have a not very secret love of dresden plate blocks!) I think its turned into quite a nice cushion
Ive also been working on several other things that hopefully will be finished shortly and Ill be able to show you but thats the only finish for the week On the reading side of things - I skim read Too Late by Colleen Hoover. I cant call it a finish as I thought it was the most horrible book which involved violence, narcisstic behaviour and lots of other things I really dont want to read about. I really cant recommend it and Im not going to count it as a book Ive read. Might be other peoples cup of tea but its definatley not mine! And on a cute and cheery note - Gary suggested we go on a Sunday drive today - so we did and Buster came too! What a smart dog he is. When there was nothing much to look at he lay down and slept but as soon as we came anywhere there might be rabbits he bolted up and looked out the windscreen looking for them - and no we didnt tell him when! A very smart boy - here is on on alert!
See you next week!


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