2023 - week 20 - May 14 - May 20

 I actually feel like Ive accomplished a few things this week and this quilt is top of the list.  I started it well over 10 years ago and had only completed one block.  I dug it out a few weeks ago, and although my tastes have changed and I dont really make quilts in this style anymore I really enjoyed making it.  It almost felt like a free quilt as I had everything I needed to finish it!

The pattern is an old Chook Shed Pattern company pattern called Country Collectibles and I got it as a block of the month - the theory being you receive the pattern and fabric each month and do the work on that each month and finish it in seven months.  Obviously I didnt get the memo!

I also finished a pair of socks. As many of you will recall Ive had trouble with my hands and wrists because of all the knitting Ive done so Ive had to be gentle on them.  This is my favourite all time pattern - Vanilla Latte and I think this is the 18th time Ive made it.  Ive gifted these and I hope the recipient likes them. The yarn was Jigsaw self patterning and I used some leftovers from another pair of socks for the heels and toes.   I think the contrast has turned out well.

I also finished an audio book! The Glassmakers Sentence (The Mapmakers Trilogy part 1) by S.E. Grove.  It was a long listen and at time I had to slog through it but it picked up towards the mid to end. It's set in the New World where all the time periods have been disrupted by the Great Disruption and cartologers (map makers) create maps in various different ways.  Of course there are baddies, and even pirates but its worth a listen and Id give it 3 stars out of 5

I wonder if I can keep being so productive - Ive started a cross stitch and another pair of socks and a scarf too so plenty to keep me busy!

Have a great week and thanks for reading my adventures 


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