2023 - week 18 - April 30 - May 6 and Week 19 May 7 - May 13


Someone missed a week - guess that was me!!!!

There's been a lot going on, and doing my blog update just slipped under the radar, but Im here and owning my forgetfulness and soldiering on.  And to be fair we've had a lot going on!  Calving is still happening and we are almost at the end of irrigation season (for those who are not in the know - we are only able to access our irrigation water - for watering our paddocks and also for stock drinking water - from the 15th of August until the 15th of May, the rest of the time we rely on rainfall.  So Gary in particular has spent a lot of days and nights watering paddocks and getting the last of our seed in and he's been doing a great job too. )  It does help having great staff who are keeping the other things ticking along - milking, calving, paddock stuff, hay feed out etc.  I  think we are really starting to gel as a team and really kicking goals!

On the crafting side I managed to finish a hat, that was a test knit for a really good friend.  It used up two lots of sock yarn I had leftover from other projects and it's really warm too.  The pattern is called Spectacular Hat by Susan Distel.

Apart from that Ive been solidly working on the button stitch quilt and am so wanting do other things but Im trying super hard to Just Get This Done.  It's been hanging around for 10 plus years and Im hoping next week I report that it's at least a quilt top - fingers crossed for that.

Reading wise Ive finished two books on my kindle (and they are ones that Gary has read and recommended) - Mona Lisa's Secret and The Last Secret Chamber both by Phil Phillips.  I enjoyed the first one about the Mona Lisa as it was a lot like the Da Vinci Code however the second one started well (it was set in Egypt which is always a win for me!) but it then went very off track and unbelievable - even though there was a Stargate in it, which is a bit of a love of mine but really totally unbelievable in the context it was written about in the book.  Id give the first book 4 stars out of 5 but only 2 stars out of 5 for the second one.  I should add Gary enjoyed both of them! And that it is rare that I read anything similar to him .

Well thats my two week catch up - not a lot but enough and also a ps to this update. We were blessed to have our lovely friend Sarah Ardu come and visit us.  She is a missionary in Cambodia and has been living and working there for the past 25 years.  This was the third time she has stayed with us and finally we had the time to give her a really good farm tour which I think she enjoyed.  


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