2023 - week 8 February 19 - 25

And just like that another week has flown by! I havent been too well this week (issues with my blood sugar levels - Im diabetic, plus getting gastro) so havent strayed that far away from the house. On the positive this has meant Ive finished several things! So here we go...... I wont post about my WIPs (works in progress) as Ive been thinking I might post that mid week as a sort of an update but Ill see how I go First finished was the hexagon table runner which I got as a kit quite some time ago - Im really pleased with how it came out and realised yet again how much I really do like english paper piecing - or is it that I enjoy the slower projects these days? Another finish - which was a relatively quick and easy project was this pin cushion. Ive received from Chandlers Cottage their calendar and projects for 2023 - the idea being that you complete one each month. This is Januarys project so as you can see Im not that up to date - but I was putting off doing th...