And now lockdown 6 (or is it still 5??) Day 1

 Well here we go AGAIN!!!!

Lockdown number 6 although some are saying its just Lockdown 5 extending as it never really finished. Our state went from no cases to 6 the next day to snap full on lockdown which at this stage is for 7 days. Lets see if thats all there is (and I certainly hope it is!)

And also Ive added another layer of difficulty to this lockdown - Ive torn a ligament in my foot so Im not that mobile but hopefully the strapping will work and I dont progress to a moon boot and crutches. 

So for todays fun activities (and yes Ive made a new list of this to do/learn/conquer) I started on the kitchen drawers and will do at least one a day - this is the "junk drawer" which Im sure we all have that now is a pleasure to open

Also I pruned the rose bushes (sorry Grandpa I know we are supposed to prune in months starting with "J" but Im not that far off

And finally I sorted out my Doterra oils - and I have an excess of a few (dont know how!!!!) so if you are interested in any give me a yell! 


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