Reading is my thing too!

My previous post talked about how I love creating stuff
I also love reading stuff too - and if you think about it that is also creative
I love reading fiction, sci fi, self help and lot of other genres
Many of them take you to others places and times and even self help books take you to places you would like to be
Last year I had a huge pile of books beside my bed and I set myself a challenge to NOT buy any more books or acquire them from others means - but to read through them.  Which I did really successfully
However something "odd' has happened while I wasn't looking
Cast your eyes on the photo - shall we call it exhibit A ??????
Somehow a new (and large) pile has evolved beside my bed - to be fair some are some I acquired from my daughter Sarah when I had to collect some of her belongings
So it looks like I need to put myself once again on a book diet - BUT ITS HARD!!!!!


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