Creativity is my thing.......

I recently had to answer a questionaire and one of the questions really had me stumped
It was "what do you do that gives you joy"
The question prior to that was "what do you do to relax" - to which I answered doing craft stuff such as knitting, embroidery, quilting but also reading and gardening
But I didnt think that they gave me joy - they just relaxed me
Its Saturday afternoon here - so "in theory" a lazy sort of day when we do minimal farm work just milking etc and hay feeding out
Gary was having a well earned nap so I took the opportunity to do something creative
Yes I have heaps (and I do mean heaps!!!!) of projects on the go - several knitting things, a stitchery, a quilt, a painting and more but I really felt the urge to start something new
I have a basket, well several baskets, of kits that Ive bought over the years but not yet done
I delved into this and came across a quilt kit I think I might have bought 15 plus years ago - definitely before I married Gary.  Gorgeous Kaffe Fassett fabric and it was needle turn appliqué
Ive pulled it out a few times to start but never got around to it
Yes I can do needle turn appliqué but really didnt want to do that for this - and you know what it doesn't matter!
Decided to use fusible web to attach the pieces to the background and Ill button hole stitch by hand to further attach them
As I was working through this I realised - this gives me joy
Not just relaxing but joy
I love creating stuff, I love colour
Im quite capable of changing a pattern or directions to suit my purpose
I need to do this more
Oh! and here's the fabric all ironed on - not sure when it will get finished, but Ive started!


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