Goodbye 2012

Well here we are on the last day of 2012 and what have I achieved?
My goals were as follows -
in 2012 I will try to......
•Become more self-confident and organised, use my diary and journal  - getting better at putting dates/appointments in my phone STRAIGHT AWAY, journal was a fail.
•Lose weight and get fitter - fail due to sickness I put on weight big priority for 2013
•Become more cost-effective - use what I have FIRST success!!!!! Have been finishing off/using up craft stuff I have had for ages and have given lots away.  Same with clothes
•Eat much more healthily (but Im NOT giving up chocolate!) Oddly enough I dont eat much chocolate now, and have tried to eat a LOT more healthier
•Save money Done!!! Even bought some shares
•Stop worrying - trust God to supply ALL our needs trying, trying, trying......
•Take a trip - took lots of day and a few day trips with the leadership program
•Learn something new - crocheting???? Done! I can now crochet
•Be Less Grumpy Hmmm you will have to ask my family about this one!   So 2012 the year that was - I didnt really have a great one at all - losing my father, beloved cat, an ovary, etc.  Did things I didnt want to do - trip in an ambulance, hospital stay, etc BUT - achievements - two lovely granddaughters - Addison and Maddison, graduated from the Loddon Murray Community Leadership Program, started renovating our home, and have a new love for my lovely husband and familiy and life in general. Come on 2013 Im ready for you!


Lynne said…
Sounds like 2012 was a pretty good year considering all! I wish you lots of love, abundant joy, lots of laughter, good health and plenty of crafting time!
Annette said…
Happy New Year and best wishes to you both....Annette

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