2012 christmas letter

 Dear All,

Well here we are already at the end of 2012, and hasn’t this year just flown?

Unfortunately this year we have had lots of down moments and sadness, my stepfather died in August which was a real shock although he hadn’t been well for some time. We also had to send our beloved cat, Speedy, to heaven which was also sad as she had been with us for 15 years.

We have had trouble with cattle being sick, dying of blout and various other “incidents” as well as Dianne being extremely sick and being

hospitalised for several days and Gary being injured by a cow!


There were some highs as well – we welcomed to our family two new granddaughters – Holly and Daryl’s first child, Addison and Aimee and Jason’s daughter, Maddison. They are both gorgeous!

Sarah has finished university (studying photography) and Megan has completed year 12 (as well as taking an alternative “schoolies” trip to Cambodia). Number 1 granddaughter, Mia graduated from kinder and is starting school next year. Adam continues to live and work in Mildura.
Dianne graduated from the Loddon Murray Community Leadership Programme and has been appointed on several boards – North Central Catchment Management Authority and a steering committee for Dairy Australia.

Gary tries to fit in a game of bowls when farm duties allow and has caught the renovation bug.

We are also starting to renovate our home and have so far replaced half the windows in the house as well as removing the outer walls on the front of the house and replacing with hardi-plank. Next year comes the new kitchen and a couple of walls to be knocked out – should be fun!

Gary and I continue to run our farm as a partnership and try and make godly decisions as we go. We both love God and are continually amazed how He blesses us (even when things don’t look that great)

We hope and pray that 2013 will be a year of blessing for you all (and for us too!)

Love, hugs and blessings Gary and Dianne Bowles and family

Romans 8:28 “And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him”


Lynne said…
What a great idea!

God bless you all this Christmas and in 2013.
Annette said…
Life does throw us challenges which makes us stronger. Enjoy your new grandchildren & take care of each other. Merry Christmas & best wishes & health for 2013. Luv Annette. p.s. did you have Bowles relatives in Tongala in the 1950s early 1960s, my grandmother had a friend I only knew her as "Mrs Bowles"
Anonymous said…
I enjoyed reading this "snapshot" of your life in 2012 :)

Lovely photos of the family and I love the farm photos too.

Some sadness last year but good times too. Here's to fun times and good health in 2013.

Thanks for sharing!

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