my graduation

Friday night saw Gary and I take a rare night away from the farm and head to the All Seasons Motel in Bendigo.  It was my graduation from the Loddon Murray Community Leadership Program - something that I have been participating in all year.
A group of 24 of us have visited towns and communities throughout the region, met inspiring speakers, learnt leadership skills and learnt a lot more about ourselves.
Its been a great journey, Ive made some life long friends and have changed in myself.
Our graduation was a great event and we were blessed to have Adam Elliott winner of an academy award for his short film Harvey Krumpet as our speaker and presenter of our certificates.
P.S. It was also lovely to get dressed up and have a night away from the farm with Gary!


Lynne said…
Congratulations! Well done, Diane.
Congratulations on your achievement! You look beautiful!
Vickie said…
I am so far behind inmy blog reading/replying conmgrats too you and how lovely to read that you both had a night away from the farm together,cheers Vickie

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