a finish and a start

Today I finished this wall hanging for Mum - she started it years and years ago and has had it pinned onto the curtains in her kitchen for I dont know how long.  However its now done = embroidery finished, quilted, bound and a hanging sleeve.  At the moment Mum is on holidays with her cousin in Newcastle - I think this might make a nice welcome home present for her.

Yesterday there was also a start here - the builder arrived to start our renovations - we are having all the old windows replaced (hooray no more louvers in the kitchen!!!!), guttering replaced, door that we dont use covered in and vinyl cladding on the outside front wall.  Gary got to have fun ripping down the facia and guttering yesterday - I got to watch and make cuppas.


Lynne said…
Ooo, exciting. I pray that the noise and the mess is kept to a minimum.
Vickie said…
oh I am certaian your mom will be very happy with your finish fro her..yeehaaah to no more lourves a big win for you (so to speak-they are a pain to clean-I have 96 just in our bedroom,,cheers Vickie

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