we have A sock!

Hooray!  Sock one is done and dusted - and it even fits!!!!!
I dont know if Ive mentioned it but this is by far the hardest thing most complicated/complex thing I have ever knitted - and now I have to knit another one or else just one sock is not good for anything at all - wish me luck Ive cast it on.......


Lynne said…
Yay! The fitting is so important when making socks (ask me how I know!!). Congratulations. Now don't get Second Sock Syndrome - cast on straight away!
Josie said…
Good luck! My only sock is still waiting for its pair for the past 3 yrs! I hope you don't get the second sock syndrome.
Banaghaisge said…
Very wonderful!!!
I found a link with THREE diff ways to cast on for toe-up socks (thank you for the Knitty link):
http://knitty.com/ISSUEwinter02/FEATtiptoptoes.html and the sock pattern I am using: http://wendyjohnson.net/blog/sockpattern.htm
And then I found a cunning way to knit BOTH socks at one...http://knitty.com/ISSUEwinter02/PATTstraightlaced.html
I can't do this yet because a) I haven't got two sets of needles the same size) but especially b) I have yet to finish the second of my pair of sockies.
Yours are MUCH cleverer than mine though. ANd lovely colour, too.
Andee said…
So jealous of your sock! I have tried different things to learn how to make socks, but I think I am going to have to sign up for an actual class. Love it!
Leonie said…
Aren't you happy you gave in and learnt how to knit socks? The first one looks just grand, good luck with the second one :-)

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