a pleasant afternoon

Well here we are - 1st of November already and Melbourne Cup day to boot!
Im sorry poor blog that you have been neglected again but I have been busy!
Today was a rare day when I (and Gary) had an hour (yes a whole hour!!!) to relax and indulge ourselves - so what did we do - well we both sat outside on our back verandah area - Gary reading a book and me knitting with two dogs and four chooks to keep us company
This is what I was working on lingerie sock which is by far one of the most trickiest things I have yet knitted - but Im getting there - half way thru the foot on the first sock. BTW the wool is gorgeous - Fleece Artist Blue Face Leicester Sock in the colourway amethyst.
Did we listen to the cup? No, in fact neither of us had a clue what was even running - apparently it was horses!
BUT it was lovely to just sit and enjoy each others company (and a cuppa each too!)


Lynne said…
I was just thinking about you yesterday and wondering if everything was okay.
Banaghaisge said…
Ooh, that is one gorgeous sock, Hoppy! I am 1/2 way through second foot on my toe-up sock, loving it (see my blog...). Mine are nowhere so lingerie, I want lacy sockies but my brain is in no fit state to convert top-down to toe-up pattern. Is not a hint for you to make me socks, btw. If you want to break into my house again that is your birthday pressie on the couch... XXXX

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