I think I remember how to make a quilt!!!!!

Well goodness me! I think I have remembered how to make a quilt (well its actually TWO quilts now).  Sarah's boyfriend is turning 21 soon and has asked for a quilt for his birthday - yes he asked, isnt he wonderful.  Something with 21 on it he said....bit tricky but I think Ive worked out what to do - cant say too much here as Tom might read it - except that I am making shoo-fly blocks as his surname is Shewen (get it?)
Well I have managed to make 12 blocks so far and was mindlessly making half square triangle blocks for it and .... well..... it got a bit boring and also my machine kept wanting to "eat" the ears of the triangles.  So what is a girl to do?
I had a look on the moda bake shop site and found this quilt so managed to find some charm squares and have been sort of sewing both at the same time.
So... how productive am I?


Lynne said…
A nearly twenty one year old male who asked for a quilt? What is the world coming to?

Seriously, that's wonderful. I hope you get both projects done quickly and painlessly!

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