from my nans sewing stash

I was at my Mum's home today and was on the "scrounge".  I needed some blue cotton for a quilt I am making for a certain someone (lol Tom) and asked Mum what she had in her pile(s) of goodies.  It is so good to have a Mum who is a quilter too.  Sadly she cant sew like she used to due to poor eye sight but she is still happy to share with me!
Anyway while looking through her HUGE jars of blue thread (yes jars!!!) I came across this cute tiny reel of blue.  Its teeny tiny - Ive photographed it beside a bobbin just so you can see just how small it is.  Asked Mum where it came from and she said from her Mum (ie my Nan).  Nan was a dressmaker - infact I think she might well have been a dressmaker extraordinaire - she is the one who taught me to sew and to knit (Mum did a bit too but it was mostly Nan).
Nan always had the most amazing scraps - silks etc as she used to make wedding gowns and evening dresses.  Mostly not from actual patterns but "made up" by her. Hopefully I have inherited SOME of those genes!
Of course I asked Mum if I could have the reel - and of course she said yes! So its going to sit on a little shelf above my sewing machine - no Im not going to use it - just look at it for inspiration from my Nan - how good is that?


Leonie said…
That is such a wonderful find! I have my Nan's button stash and I'm not sharing it any time soon :-)
Lindi said…
I love my little treasures I have from my Nana's sewing things. I have 3 "reels" of silken embroidery thread that are on round cardboard discs with little notches to hold the thread on. I have never seen anything similar anywhere, so I will never use them, just look and love. :)
Lynne said…
How lovely - a great reminder of your wonderful Nan.

I would like to have my grandmother's thread and button collection (she was a professional upholsterer and a very competent seamstress who made my satin wedding dress) but alas, it's not to be! It seems to have disappeared through the years!

I must add that my Nanna (above)knitted me a teddy who still sits on my bed every day: he was fifty-four in April.
Annette said…
I also have a couple of my Nanna's sewing treasures, her tiny thimble fits me so is used...only at home though...I would not be happy if it was misplaced. Dairy farming is a hard life, I grew up in Tongala and still love the smell of milking!!!!
Lynda Bosworth said…
What an amazing little piece of family history Di.....

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