how blessed am I?

How truly blessed am I? Ive had a quilt made for me - yes me a quilter has had a quilt made Just For Me.  A lovely lady (who I have not met) from Benalla whose name is Jenny, made 8 quilts for families affected by the January floods.  I was blessed to be able to go out with our shire Flood Recovery Officer and deliver these quilts to deserving families.   I was blown away to be told "this one is for you!".  It is gorgeous, huge and so totally me. So thankyou so much Jenny from Benalla, I love it!
P.S.  I should also mention that  she drove all the way from Benalla to hand deliver these quilts to our shire offices.


Di said…
How wonderful, Di! And you sooooo deserve it! What a lovely generous soul Jenny is. So special. Lots of love, Di J
Cathy Smith said…
what a beautiful quilt ! thats a real blessing - so happy for you.
Lynne said…
Very blessed indeed - it is a lovely quilt.
Leonie said…
That is such a gorgeous quilt and everytime you see it you will know that someone was thinking of you at that very trying time and making something special to support you. So many lovely things came from those terrible floods and other disasters. Gives you hope :-)
Unknown said…
Beautiful Glad you became a Recipient...

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