Dinner with the Governor General (and her husband!)

Last night Gary, Megan and I were very honored to attend a dinner in Kerang for people that had been affected by the floods - and the guest of honour was none less than the Governor General Quentin Bryce and her husband Michael.  I was blessed and honoured to be asked to be Mr Bryces dinner companion, so we had nearly half an hour of "quality" time with him.  What a lovely and intelligent man - someone you could sit down and talk with for hours and hours and hours.  The Governor General was quite lovely as well and in her short "speech" (loose word as it was definately NOT prepared) she spoke of how touched and moved she was visiting our area and even had a tear in her eye as she spoken.  Truly a remarkable evening and one we will remember for a long time to come!


Di said…
How very exciting, Di! I'm sure Mr Bryce would hsve enjoyed his time conversing with you as well.
Ramona said…
Blessed, you are Blessed!! How are things at the farm?? Have things picked up?? Lovely you are still in blogland with us.
Hugs R
Ramona said…
Great to see you in blogland again Blessed. What a wonderful night you must have had. How are things going up there.
Lynne said…
What a precious memory for you. Both the GG and her husband seem like genuinely lovely people; I would love to meet them although I am sure I would be tongue-tied (or say something stupid)!

I have only recently become a follower of your blog and was sorry to read that you had ben affected by the floods.
Leonie said…
Lovely :-)
So glad you have had a highlight.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing this with us Di - it looks like it was a "once in a lifetime" event .... :-) Glad you had such a good time :-)

:-) sue :-)

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