from the air

This morning at 7.30 am I was lucky enough to go up in a light plane and fly over the local flood affected areas.
SO much water, destruction and heart ache to be seen, and its still going on.
We now have water coming towards us from another direction, its swirling back on us, so we are by no means out of the woods yet.
This photo is of our farm that is under water, and that is only a small portion of the huge amounts of water that are flooding our land at the moment.


Leonie said…
It would have been a fantastic experience even with the heartache of knowing the damage that has been happening. After so many years of drought it's so amazing to see water everywhere.
Vickie said…
shocking what mother nature can do, I surely pray you and your family are safe through these flooding times,cheers Vickie
ozjane said…
Oh that dams had been built to harvest it.
I have a dream to see some dams with multiple feeds that can at least be filled in times of floods.....cause you know we are going to need them.
At least those who use bores should be ok for a few years.

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