flood update
Floods, floods, floods - we are sick and tired of them
They are tiring, they are draining, they are extremely annoying and in our case they take a long, long time to come and go - not that I am asking for flash flooding, but I think you know what I mean.At this stage, our second farm (which is down the end of the road where our main farm is, around 2.5 kms) is completley under water. Completely underwater means nearly 2 metres under water.
Ive had my parents living here with me for the last week as they live in Kerang, which was evacuated and surrounded by water. Today they are able to go home, which is fantastic for them.
These photos I took last night, Gary and Megan decided to wade through the waters! Yes I know, shouldnt be done but they couldnt be stopped.
I must say that although everything is surrounded by water, it does look beautiful doesnt it?