one christmas present done

This stitchery is for a secret santa swap for the patchwork group I belong to. We are going out for tea Tuesday night and the pressie had to be dropped off this week - finished it and delivered it yesterday so heaps of days to spare!!
I quite like this one and might even do it again for myself.
I've managed to get a bit done this week as Sarah and Megan are in Hawaii - hardly any washing to do and no where near as much mess and dishes to do - I wonder why????


Kali said…
Love the stitchery Di, somebody in your group will be a very happy girl when she receives it.
cinzia said…
It is beautiful and I am sure whoever receives it will be really pleased.
Julie said…
It must almost feel a holiday at home for you, time to stitch is always much appreciated.
patty said…
I have done the same stitchery for my sister for christmas. I recieved the pattern when I went on the Bendigo scquilters retreat a couple of years ago.

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