look what I scored and new family members

Have a look what arrived in the mail for me from New Zealand!!! The lovely Jenny is a member of an online group I am a member of (wheel of friendship) and we had a christmas gifty swap. This is what Jenny sent me and I certainly feel spoilt. Thanks so much Jenny!!!!

And secondly we have two new "family" members - these are two kookaburra chicks whose parents built a nest for them in a bale of hay in the hay shed. They burrowed and burrowed making a lovely little nest palace for these babes. We have been carefully monitoring their progress without interfering TOO much - they are around two weeks old now I think.


Julie said…
You have indeed been very spoiled. I have never seen Kookaburra chicks, thanks for sharing.
Ozjane said…
In the fine print on the passionfruit chocolate I can see it reads..this must be shared or pimples will result.
Banaghaisge said…
What lovely little birdies! If the parents will aloow can you please post updates? It would be good to see them feather up (cos frankly, Blessed, they are at the 'only a mother would love them' stage right now...).
Christmas table etc looks wonderful!! Well done.

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