some proper finishes!!!

Finished two quilty things this week!!!
Firstly the Christmas Wish quilt I showed you the other day - quilted, labelled and bound now.
Secondly I made a table runner from three blocks I had - it was a swap on a list I was on - there was supposed to be six of us in a group that swapped blocks - it was over 2 years ago and I still have only received three blocks back, and I found these the other day when I cleaned up a bit and decided to make a table runner from them - someone will probably score this as a christmas present.
Feels great to finally finish something though - its been a while


Jeanne said…
Congrats on the great finishes! I really like the way you finished your stitchery BOM quilt.
cinzia said…
Your quilt looks gorgeous and I am impressed at the innovative way of clearing out those blocks
Kali said…
I love your quilt Di, it finished up really nicely didn't it! I couldn't decide whether to do those blocks or not, and now wish I had.

And the table runner is very've made something really lovely out of a slight disappointment.
Banaghaisge said…
Ah it looks fabulous! Did that wind bring any rain?
And did you get the dairy pie bits fixed?
Fran C said…
A great idea for orphan blocks I have a lot that I could use in this way. Love Gail Pan's Christmas quilt
Julie said…
Love how the Christmas Wish quilt has turned out. Makes me want to get on and put mine together too!

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