almost finished

Well I had hoped to have this quilt finished by the end of this week - I almost made it, just have to hand sew the binding down and do a label...not a bad effort I reckon

P.S. to this post as at 3.00 pm on 31/10/09 the quilt is finished!!! Bound and labelled too


Di said…
Well flaunted, Di - it's gorgeous!
Banaghaisge said…
It is so pretty - and HEAPS of quilting, too!!! You could have done the binding if you had not stippled that extra bobbin, you know!
Yep, I bet there are a lot of VCE parents breathing one sigh of relief this evening (only four to go...)!!!
Julie said…
So close, let's call it finished! Looking really lovely. Year 12 finals, with a hormonal daughter, I feel your pain!
Birdydownunder said…
Great flaunt super quilt

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