Im on horse entertainment duties for 5 days

For those that know me well, you will know that the extent of things horse related I normally CHOOSE to do, is that I am the treasurer of the local pony club. I dont ride (why would you ride something with a brain???), I do buy the horse food stuff and the odd visit to Horseland or Drovers in Echuca - but thats it!!!
SO how did I get stuck with horse duties?
Megan has gone to the snow (Falls Creek/Bogong) for 5 days and has left me (yes me!!!) in charge of the horse
Poor Ruby (thats the horse)
Im on day two and surviving = just, although tomorrow I will have to take the rug off the horse and its not sitting right, and that means I will have to put it on again...sigh....Im not sure how. Mind you Megan has written me two pages of typed instructions of what I have to do
All I can say is - bring on Friday!!!! and Megan's return


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