Up to date....or....a good intention started

Have a look at this - actually managed to finish the first block of "Girls Day Out" - which is a BOM (Block of the month for you non-quilters) in the month it was received.
Again for the non-quilters a BOM is a quilt you sign up for at a quilt shop (in this case Broyala Patches in Boort) and each month it just "arrives" in the mail box - the pattern for the next part of the quilt along with whatever fabrics/threads are required. The theory is that you have a month to complete the block before the next one arrives - hence the title Block Of The Month.
Regular readers of this blog will know that I am not the best at keeping up with these BOM's so this a big moment for me!!!


Lissa Jane said…

your block looks great.. yours is finished! Mine is still waiting for the wee quilt and the fabric bolts to be added.. but there is method in my madness, all will be revealed.. ONE day! I have block 2 & 3 sitting here now, so I am behind already!!!

Quilty Huggers
Chez said…
Gosh Di you never ever ebah update your blog you rotter. So get to it.

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