More Nanna stuff - babysitting this time

Got to babysit Mia today - Aimee and Joshua went to Echuca (about 45 minutes away) for "quality time" together - i.e. shopping and going to the movies without a baby!!!
How good is Mia though slept peacefully and hardly a problem. Can't wait til the next time - cos her Nanna really loves her - in fact we all do!!!!


catsmum said…
she's just beautiful and I'm so jealous. I haven't seen our little man since Easter :[
the sooner this broken coccyx mends and I can sit in the car for 150 mins each way the better :[
Chez said…
Awww whosacootseywhootseyliddlgirlybundl.
Mia is adorable.
Di said…
The looks soooo angelic, Di. Just gorgeous! Isn't this grandmother caper fun?!?! Di. J

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