Moving and mooooving

What a weekend.
Helped DD1 Aimee move into her new home - just 10 minutes from here in Leitchville.
Very small place - only two bedrooms but great spot, lovely polished floorboards, new kitchen and just what a young couple with a baby due in 4 weeks needs.
On the cow front - we had to shoot one of our milkers as she broke her hip when another cow jumped on her - "bulling" - it wasnt one of my favorites but still sad none the less and $1000 down the drain
On the quilting front - managed to finish chenille quilt for the New Grandchild and found heaps of bits of fabric for baby in my "stash" so whipped up 6 sheets for Aimee and the bub.

And also managed to complete another couple of rounds on the hugs n kisses BOM - check the photos out of both


pooh said…
Nice quilt.
Here we also like patchwork & quilting alot.
Happy Easter
Helen said…
Love the chenille quilt. Looks very snuggly. My Mum made me a stack of sheets when my daughter was born too, back in 2003, so handy having a mum who sews! :)
Chez said…
You big sook Di.
Margarea said…
Sorry about the cow Di. love the quilts

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