long weekend and not much done

Well Labour day weekend has been and gone and I didnt seem to get much done at all.
Mind you I worked heaps of extra days last week and also on saturday morning so I think Im excused!!!!
Three days at the Tattslotto (due to the boss having a little op) and Saturday morning at the local fabric shop (that is fun - and I get paid....lol)
I have managed (as we speak/type) to get the farm paper work up to date - if anyone loves BAS stuff they are mad!!!
Ive even done some of those things in the bottom of the drawer that you are intending to get to One Day.
And finished chenille squares quilt for the impending grandchild - hope its a girl cos its fairly "girly"
And had a good giggle with Aimee (DD1) yesterday - she came over to spend the day and we watched The Devil Wears Prada - good fun!!!!


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