2024 - August 19 - August 25

Well the weather isnt quite as cold as it has been - and we have so very many heifers calves in the shed! Almost at capactiy and only after two weeks - its been super crazy! The continuation of not finishing is continuing - but to be fair Im working on a few long and complicated projects - one of which is the beach walk blanket. Its crochet and not what I usually do but I fell in love with the pattern and got a kit for all the yarn. Im probably only 15-20% through it and not loving all the ends to be sewn in but being very disciplined about doing that as Ive been warned by other who have made it Heres a progress pic - and reminder there is A Lot to go!
I did finish another audio book - the second in the time police series by Jodi Taylor - Hard Time. Once again Im glad Im re-listening to this series - Id forgotten how good it is. Several times while listening Ive laughed out loud! It conintues the story of Matthew, Luke and Jane as they navigate their way as trainee time police officers, and of course get into all sorts of difficulties too. Yes they have a couple of moral dilemmas but they navigate their way through them. Most definately five stars out of five. If you love the St Marys series you will love this too (and to be honest I didnt think I would as being a St Marys lover I have a sort of hatred for the time police) So once again short and sweet - but Im still chipping away!


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