2024 - July 1 -July 7

And what a week its been - Ive been back in Queensland, but with the whole of our family which has been tiring but a blast! Ill do a seperate blog post on that as we did A Lot I have however managed to finish a few things that were just about finished before I left and they are now Firstly the Flower Pot Quilt by Kim Mc Lean and I most used Kaffe Facet fabrics from a kit I got from Honeysuckle Patchwork when they were still open (Miss you Nicky!) I need to stop making such huge quits as they are very difficult to photograph! Its also quite heavy due to all the applique But here it is
And heres the label too
I also finished a pair of Vanilla Latte Socks using clever Self striping Yarn - these are for my stepgranddaughter Evie who requested them and who am I to not make something for someone who asks for them! She lives in Queensland and I had hoped to finish them while I was there and gift them to who but it wasnt meant to be so I will have to post them
I havent finished any books - I was reading As Good As Dead (Good girls guide to murder no 3) by Holly Jackson but to be honest I skimmed it and didnt read it properly and didnt really get that much of the story so I cant count that as a book finished I think the first book in the series was excellent the others have been a stretch And Ive decided life is too short to read books I dont enjoy! So thats a quick craft and reading update and Ill do another queensland one probably tomorrow!


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