2024 - week 6 - February 5 - February 11

Hey and welcome to this weeks update - and Im pleased to report Ive got a few things finished! And for those who ask how do I get all this done - I dont sleep very well, so I usually have an hour or two during the night that I am up and I am quite productive! FIrstly Id like to share that I got back from the framers the embroidery that I was doing while I sat with Mum before she went to heaven and its come up a treat. Ive hung it on the wall beside our bed where I can easily look at it. Thanks Aimee for choosing the perfect colour for the border!
Secondly I started and finished my yarn advent socks - I had originally planned to knit one or two stripes a day leading up to Christmas but of course that all went pear shaped but they are finished now! The yarn is from Freckled WHimsy and the pattern is Morning Coffee Socks. I think its a really good match of yarn and pattern
Ive also been working on the Wendy WIlliams quilt and got one side of the next border done and I might share my progress next week Lots of finishes on the reading front! Firstly physical book Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover. Bought this when I was a bit obsessed with Colleen Hoovers book - this book is ok for a light read - a bit spicy and quite predictable
And second physical book - The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Now this one I loved! Same author as wrote Daisy Jones and the Six and shes a pretty good writer indeed. Tells of an writer who is asked to write the memoires of a movie star who is now in her 80s. Great characters and descriptions and a twist right near the end I never saw coming. A definate 5 out of 5 stars read And now audio books (via Audible) I finished the second and third books in the Guardians Trilogy - Bay of Sighsand Island of Glass by Nora Roberts. Its an ok read and as I had read the first in the trilogy of course I have to read the series! I must say I am liking the character development but the plot is probably a bit light on. Three stars out of 5 for me on this one.
So a fair bit achieved this week - the weather has got hot so good weather to stay inside under the air conditioner and craft and read!


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