2023 - week 44 - October 29 - November 4 plus some from the week before!

Im alive! Although I must admit covid is very nasty and Gary and I both seem to have got a really good dose of it. Also when I cough it contracts my ab muscles which contracts my spine and therefore my pinched syiatic nerve so thats no fun at all. Went to the chemist on friday and got some cough medicine - hopefully that helps as Im not getting a lot of sleep as I can only sleep sitting up - if I lay down I just coughing and its hard to stop. On the positive as Ive not been sleeping much I have completed a few things! Firstly the second sock in this pair - this was a test knit for Lisa Ross aka paperdaisy and the pattern is called return of the lion and I used plucky yarn - really happy with how these turned out!
I also finished this cute draw string bag - which is the March project from the Chandlers Cottage year of projects kit
On the reading front I finished the third book in the Bridge Kingdom series by Danielle Jensen. Again another 5 star read. This one is the story of two characters that have appeared in the other books but only briefly - Keris and Zarrah both who are potential leaders of their kingdoms and is really good!
I also treated myself to reading the Old man and the sea by Ernest Hemingway. Ive been wanting to read this for years but wanted to read a really old copy of it - and I managed to hunt down a second edition of it! Its the story of an old fisherman who has wanted to catch a really big fish and when he hooks one it takes him on a journey. Its a short but beautiful read.
Im also so very close to a lot of other finishes - so hopefully there will be a few more next week. Stay safe and well my friends!


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