2023 - inspire!

 Well here we are again - the start of another year - this time 2023

And my word for 2023 is inspire!

With all the good intentions and plans that January 1 gives us, and yes I have good intentions and plans!

But first a wrap up of 2022 - my word was "create" 

Yarn wise - I made 44 projects and used 22,354 (we wont mention how much yarn I bought though!!!!)

I learnt to weave too 

I also did some artwork 

Reading wise - I read (either a physical book or an audio book) 56 books

Probably one of my favourites was 

and starting to reread the Chronicles of St Mary's series

Amongst all of that we had some highs and lows - we had floods, we have covid restrictions (still) and sick family members.  Yes I could focus on all of that but that is in the past - and  I read a great quote from I dont remember who saying that "its no use focusing on the past as we cant change it, focus on the future as that is something you can change"

So hello 2023 and "INSPIRE" 
The definition of inspire is  
:fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative." 

and I think the above image describes it perfectly.  I want to be inspired but I also want to inspire others.  I also want to challenge myself to Get Some Things Done. Last October I turned 60 but due to the floods I didnt have a party (instead I had the Best Birthday Ever by going around flood waters and trying to save our farm with my hubby) so this year I will also have a focus on the number 60!

I will try and read 60 books (physical, audio and or kindle)
I will try and create 60 different projects - big, small, with yarn, with other things but mostly to have fun doing that 
I will try and blog more (yes that old chestnut!) at least weekly, hopefully more - so look out!

And finally I will practice self compassion and care of myself and my own mental health more.

So cheers to 2023 people!


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