Cilka's Journey - first book finish for 2022

First book of the year finished - Cilkas Journey by Heather M. Morris

I was lucky enough to meet the author at The Little Blue Book Shop late last year and what a pleasure that was! She went through her research and reasons behind her writing and how these stories need to be told and not lost

Because we were going to meet her I "forced" and I mean forced myself to read the tattoist of auschwitz and Im glad I did! A period in our history that is terrible, but lessons need to be learnt so that this never happens again!

After reading that, I had to read the next book(which is Cilka's Journey) again a challenge to read but also a witness to resilience and not giving up

Did it make me feel uncomfortable - yes - but so it should

And I highly recommend it and thank you Heather for telling these stories!


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