Play the issue not the person

OK enough is enough!
Two issues are driving me mad!
Over the last few weeks and days Ive noticed a really disappointing thing happening on social media
People are attacking people over issues - personal and nasty attacks, and many of these people I thought were friends with each other
As someone who has been a "victim" of social media attacks on myself in the past, I know how hurtful and definitely unhelpful these things are
What benefit does it give the poster?
What damage does it cause the victim?
What happened to "if you can't say anything nice dont say anything at all?
And finally - why are you attacking and not showing both sides of the argument?
Thats the first issue - the second one is, keeping people angry
Is it necessary, truly necessary, to keep people angry over an issue?
Wouldn't it be more sensible and prudent to sit down, have a rational discussion about what could legitatmately be achieved and try and work together?
Yes Im talking about water policy and the Murray Darling Basin Plan.
Yes things are tough in Northern Victoria, and through a lot of the basin - but keeping people angry, and reporting things as "facts" that may or may not be true is not helpful at all
Recently I posted a photo of the silage we had recently harvested and wrapped - I am proud of what my hubby and our worker Nick have achieved to be able to do this in a challenging year - instead of being celebrated I was slammed and told I shouldn't be putting up stuff like that
Sorry but we are working hard to continue farming
OK rant over- Im off to feed my calves - yes we are rearing our heifer calves as we are working toward a future in the dairy industry in northern victoria


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