Happy new (financial) year

Well today is July the 1st - the start of the new financial year.
Here is Australia our financial year goes from July 1 (in todays case 2018) to June 30 (2019)
I think its also a good time to take stock and determine how things are goin
Ive done a lot of work over the last 6 months on both myself personally and also on our farm business.  I feel like I’m ready to very firmly shut a lot of doors and move on.
Ive done a lot of stuff that has got me personal kudos and been and experienced lots of things that others haven’t, Ive been in a position of influence at some of the highest levels many times but Ive been slowly cutting back what I do off farm and am realising more and more that that life is over.
An accident a few weeks ago, when I hit a cow while riding the 4 wheeler motorbike and resulting in a couple of broken ribs, has resulted in me being confined to home - and its been great!
Ive been knitting and reading and cooking an really enjoying the place where I live and my life here.
This is where I want to be - not off farm at meetings, not fighting for causes and battles that are often un-winnable.
And it feels great!
So here’s to FY 18/19 - may it be awesome , amazing and debt free!
PS Photo is of me in something Ive knitted recently!


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