Goodbye, Farewell and Amen

Today is a sad day and I feel a bit like the last episode of MASH - hence the blog post title.
Why am I sad?
Well today is the last day we will be Murray Goulburn Suppliers - as of tomorrow we will be Saputo Suppliers as the production has been sold Click here to find out more if you dont know already

As you would be aware Ive been a vocal and passionate supporter of Murray Goulburn and the co-op. When I married Gary I jumped into the dairy industry and was hungry to learn and understand how it worked - I was lucky enough to do the Murray Goulburn Supplier Development Program and it gave me a really good understanding of the co-op approach and the benefits of being a supplier.  I got to know a lot of the staff well, as well as many fellow suppliers.

I became an advocate for MG

Then came April 27th 2016 - which you can read about it some of my previous blog posts
I was still happy to speak out in support of MG - I believed in the co-op and I believed that the company could be saved with the right management, board and vision in place.  I even (very seriously) thought about putting my hand up to go on the board but personal circumstances didn't allow it at the time.

However as time went by and although myself and many others were still fighting to keep MG going - things were happening behind the scenes and long story short, it was put up for sale.  Saputo put forward the best offer (as indicated by the board) and the wheels were put in motion for the sale to happen.

Many times since April 27 2016 we could have left MG and gone to supply another company but we didn't - we didn't want to, we believe in the co-op and in MG.  Was that the right choice? I dont know but in some respects Im glad we stayed til the end.

What has been the cost?  Financially we are no worse off this year - last year was a different story.  However personally I have to admit it nearly killed me - both mentally and physically.
When the rug is pulled out from all you have believed in and fought for its hard to let go - but I did so a month or two ago.  The cause was consuming me and for my own health and well being I decided to draw a line and say no more.

My catch phrase became not we supply MG, but we milk cows
Ive got to know a lot of people involved in the industry I never would have
Ive been able to speak openly and honestly to those on the board and to management
Ive learnt that there are people who work for MG who are also passionate about it - in particular in field services - who really care about suppliers
Ive learnt when to say no more
But most importantly I still love the dairy industry and milking cows
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

Ironically we will be supplying MG until the very last - as we are on twice a day pick up so when the tanker comes tonight for its last rounds picking up milk for Murray Goulburn ours will be some of that milk.
Keep buying Devondale - Saputo are going to keep making the brand
Keep buying dairy - it not only helps us - its great for your health

And to my fellow dairy farmers - keep on keeping on - the sun will still come up tomorrow, the cows still need to be milk


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