What is really important?

After the last 2 years and all the ups and downs that have happened, particularly in the dairy industry, I thought there weren’t too many challenges left that I couldn’t deal with
However last Monday, my Mum had a stroke.  Thankfully she was visiting my sister in Bendigo at the time and not alone or on a bus or something and she was quickly found.  Initially she had paralysis down one side and couldn’t speak.  Once she got to emergency at Bendigo hospital they discovered that she had a blood clot on her brain.  She was given an injection of clot dissolving drugs and helicoptered to the Royal Melbourne Hospital.  It was looking like an operation might be what had to happen.
Once I found out what was happening I asked everyone I knew to pray.
Another scan was performed once she arrived in Melbourne and amazingly (Praise God!) the clot was dissolved.  So no operation.
She has rapidly regained use of her arms and legs and her speech and the only ongoing issue at this stage is a slight tremor of her hand and some memory loss -but this too is improving.
Thursday she was transferred to Bendigo Hospital to the acute ward and after a day there was moved to rehab - lots of beds in lots of days and she’s a bit tired so a quiet weekend for her and then physio etc starting Monday.  Her prognosis is really good.
So that brings me to the point of this post - what important? Family (of course) but also time.  Time spent with those you love is so precious.  It shouldn’t feel like a chore but a privilege.  Yes sitting beside hospital beds and talking about all sorts of things is sometimes hard but knowing that just by being there its letting someone feel loved and special is what counts.
My daughter Aimee gave up 3 hours of her time today to visit Mum and take her for a walk (in the wheelchair} to look at the Christmas trees in the hospital and have a hot chocolate in the cafe.  Precious time and time that they both enjoyed.
While Mum was in hospital in Melbourne my other daughter Sarah painted her fingernails.  Mum loved it and again precious time and memories.
So enjoy those precious moments together and create memories - you wont regret it!


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