
As I wrote in my previous blog - Ive realised I don't like having unfinished things hanging around.  Im aiming to "attack" something every day to sort it out.  Clothes, projects, stuff, etc.  
One of these things is that I have a HUGE pile of books beside my bed in the "to read" pile.  Yes thats ok but it seems to be growing and not getting any smaller.  So..... Ive gone through the pile to see if they all still interest me to read - and I managed to cull two - which leaves this pile "to read".  All different topics but all look really interesting to me.  Also Ive realised that I need to make "Di time" to do things that I enjoy - and reading is one of them. So Im going to try and set aside at least half an hour a day to do reading - yes most nights I read a page or two when I get into bed but of course Im really tired and end up having to read with one eye open and one closed just to keep awake - which is ridiculous.  Im also going to keep a list of books as I finished them - at least that way I will be able to see if I make any progress on this.  I suspect I might add more to the pile - but that is ok too!!!!!


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