Fourth generation quilter?

What a pleasure it is to be a nanna!
My daughter Aimee came with her two girls for two nights but left the older one Mia here for an extra day.  When Mia is here she likes to have nanna time and Gary time.
Of course Gary time is usually spent in the tractor, doing farm work etc and her favourite being a fence (which involves standing with arms wide stopping cattle going somewhere and she is really good at it)
Well this time in nanna time is asked her if she would like to learn to make a little quilt and she was very keen.  Fabrics were chosen by her.  I cut them - she had to iron them and then I sewed a few together and so did she.
By this time her concentration was beginning to wane so I didn't want to push the issue so offered to finish it off for her which I did after she left.  She will be getting it before she heads back to Bendigo as she is currently at her dads in Cohuna.  Looks pretty good for our first effort.
When I told my mum about our effort she was very proud and said that is the fourth generation as her mum (my nan) was a dressmaker and quilter, my mum was too and then me and now Mia.  Who knows one of my girls might take it up and then Mia would be a fifth generation quilter - how cool is that?


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