this is NOT a box of chocolates at the moment
I've been hesitant to post this but feel that others might gain from it - so here I go!
At the moment life here on the farm is in short terrible. We have had a real set back and its hard to see an easy or a quick solution.
At the moment life here on the farm is in short terrible. We have had a real set back and its hard to see an easy or a quick solution.
We face many challenges now - these cattle will be hard to get back to being well and looking good and its certainly not going to happen before they calve - therefore extra stress on them and their calves. They will not milk well due lack of feed etc and will be hard to get into calf again at joining time. One cow has already died - two more are close to it.All we have to keep us going are some great understanding friends and our faith and trust in God - only a miracle can fix this
I feel for you and your girls.
Its awful. We live for our cows.
We are going through the same here except there's nobody else at fault.
Our problems are the result of drought. Even though its rained the issues are still there. We have cows that may not ever recover.
I feel for you and your girls.